Russian Construction Week – Sustainability trends and prospects for the building materials industry. Disposal of construction and demolition waste


On March 2, 2022, at the Russian Construction Week, a conference will be held on the topic «Trends and prospects for sustainable development for the building materials industry. Disposal of construction and demolition waste».

The moderator of the round table of the conference will be the head of the National Association of Demolition Organizations – Artem Kondratiev.

The issues of creating a circular economy system in Russia are at the forefront of the agenda today.

  • What are the main principles of sustainable development and circular economy in construction?
  • What is the economic potential for recycling construction and demolition waste in Russia?
  • Are construction and demolition waste a promising secondary material resource for the building materials industry and how suitable is it for the production of new building materials?
  • How does digital monitoring of the movement of construction and demolition waste in Moscow work, and are there any prospects for scaling the system?
  • What is decarbonization in the building materials industry?
  • Can demolition hazardous waste become a secondary material resource?
  • What are the problems in the industry and are there solutions?

You can find out the answers to these and other actual questions by taking part in the round table «Trends and prospects for sustainable development for the building materials industry. Disposal of construction and demolition waste».


  1. Mamulat Stanislav Leonidovich, expert on sustainable development of transport infrastructure of the United Nations Development Program and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNDP and UNECE), scientific supervisor of the VEB-BSK project for the processing of mineral products of soda production for use in road construction and housing and communal services;
  2. Bogachenko Vitaliy Gennadyevich, director of corporate relations at Holcim, member of the Board of the Association of NPSSM, chairman of the Committee for Construction and Production of Building Materials of the Association of European Businesses;
  3. Zvorykina Yulia Viktorovna, Deputy Director of the Institute for Research and Expertise of Vnesheconombank, Representative of the Russian Federation in the International Arctic Council;
  4. Chechevatova Olga Yuryevna, Deputy Director of the Association “NP Consulting and Information Center of the CIS Member States for Convergence of Regulatory Practices”;
  5. Balyanov Georgy Anatolyevich, Deputy Head of the Department “Safety of Substances and Materials” of the Association “NP Consulting and Information Center of the CIS Member States for the Convergence of Regulatory Practices”;
  6. Frantsuzov Boris Valerievich – Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Sphere of Production and Consumption Waste Management of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia;
  7. Maryev Vladimir Alexandrovich, member of the Committee on Nature Management and Ecology of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, UNIDO expert;
  8. Chernyshin Pavel Vladimirovich, Development Director of TKO Inform LLC;
  9. Anna Storch, CURIUM International Development Manager (France);
  10. Pobokina Irina Olegovna, Public Relations Department of ROCKWOOL in Russia;
  11. Evgeniev Gleb Ikarovich – Associate Professor of the Department of Technosphere Safety, MADI;
  12. Damier Evgeny Leonidovich – Counselor of the Chairman of the Board of the State Company Russian Highways.

To attend the event, register on the official website of the «Russian Construction Week» at the link.

Date: March 2, 2022
Start: 16:00.
End: 18:00.
Venue: Expocentre Central Exhibition Complex, Buffet Hall, Pavilion No. 8.

«Russian Construction Week» is organized with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Department of Urban Planning Policy of the City of Moscow, EXPOCENTER, NOZA, SPR, NOSTROY, NOPSM, APKM, APKSM, NOPRIZ, RCC, RSPP.

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